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A. I wish I'd have had (and been able to absorb) the Socratic dialogue herein (or that you'd been sitting in the next row of desks over) when I was in Classic Pol Phil lectures back in the last century; and,

B. More recently, when I see a line of cars and pickups in the 'drive-through' line at any mass food franchise (loved the more honest advert of the golden arches sign proffered), with their 'drivers' all, every man-jack one of them, 'engaged' with their little black mirror devices, whilst waiting, I think "I saw this all in a dystopian science fiction film ten (20 - 30) years ago", except there was more random violence - oh, wait...; But then,

C. I just listened to an hour-long discussion on Huxley's "Brave New World" by a brave Old-World Anglo-Irish writer who's coming to the same thing on the matter of 'scale' and life; and,

D. Can no longer take in fast casual (or fine) dining without remembering Terry Gilliam's sterling silver tray of greenish glop, delivered as 'elegant dining'; and,

E. I'm looking for a set of Collier's Encyclopedia, ca. ~ 1960 so as to have reference at hand that's more grounded in actual editorial debate and conclusion, prepared by knowledgeable people endeavoring to be responsible to their readers (and themselves).

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