This is rhyming with many things hard to un- see since, I dunno, '16? Or '94, '74? The black mirror image of an image you'd included, of the beautiful food, which was being made, shared or enjoyed by EXACTLY NO ONE except as an 'image', recalled the fancy restaurant meal portrayed in Gilliam's "Brazil". I'm wondering again what becomes of love interest- renegade truck driver Jill Layton in the story. I'm wondering what becomes of all of us Sam Lowrys as we're just absorbed.

PS: just heard Cory Doctorow respond to a "your favorite film?" interview question, instantly: "Brazil".

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It may say something about me, but this comment is going to be just as relevant for the post I'm finishing up today, maybe even more so. I'm starting to wonder if I should add a Brazil category...

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I have encountered Byung-Chul Han's work everywhere in the last few months. I have put several of his book into my cart. I enjoy reading, Collin. Please keep it up.


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Thanks, John! I wanted to say the same about your post the other day that went "under the hood" of the coding you're doing with your student--I hope you'll keep sharing that kind of stuff.

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